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CONTAINSSTRING is a function, verifying, whether there is some textstring. CONTAINSSTRINGEXACT works similarly but is case sensitive.
It is simple. If there is “small pink pig” in column Item, then this:
returns True. On the other hand this:
returns False.
These functions are quite missing in Excel (outside DAX), where have to be replaced by complicated combination like:
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Hi, can you use this to find text from one column in another column in the same table, IE reference the row and column instead of using a boolean?
“These functions are quite missing in Excel ” – have you tried the “FIND” function? Maybe learn a little excel before you decide what is missing. Granted find is case insensitive, but honestly I prefer it that way!
Yes, you can use FIND – but then you need something like IFERROR, ISNUMBER etc. to get TRUE or FALSE result.