This tutorial shows saving of Power BI visual content into a xlsx file, using Power Automate.

Let´s say you have visual like this:

Get values from visual

You don´t have to write the DAX code – just generate it automatically in Desktop, using Performance analyzer.

Get columns from table

The Parse JSON gets specific information from table, so as you can work with them easy. Here you can read how to do it in a minute.

Clear table

Before adding new rows into a table, let´s delete the previous content. Office Script can be very handful.

  • function main(workbook: ExcelScript.Workbook) {
        let table = workbook.getTable(“Table1”);
        let rowCount = table.getRowCount();
        table.deleteRowsAt(0, rowCount);

The script is triggered from Power Automate.

Rows into table

The table can be filled, row by row, by Power BI action (or by Office Script, for example…).

Which puts the content of visual into a table:

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