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The SELECTCOLUMNS function simply takes some column / columns from another table and create a new table from them.
For example, you can take only one column, Revenue, from this table:
The syntax of SELECTCOLUMNS is simple:
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The sample shows Semi Colons but the proper syntax is comma. The instructions say “use DISTINCT” but don’t indicate where DISTINCT would be added.
Commas / semicolons depends on Windows regional settings. DIstinct can be used like “DISTINCT([weekdays])
How do u consider measure in place of a column?
Hi, thank you for teh explanation. I always get bag as an Error “Eine Tabelle mit mehreren Werten wurde zurückgegeben, obwohl ein einzelner Wert erwartet wurde.” in english: “A table with multiple values was returned although a single value was expected.”. Dou you know what I can do?
Thank you in advance!